Transforming Our Area One Event at a Time

Days Left Until The

Evangelism Lecture Week

Special encounters

On Friday afternoons, we head out to the streets of Rotterdam. Many times special encounters happen. Like special talks, or someone receiving healing after being prayed for. Would you like to join us? Feel free to contact us!

We understand it can be both scary and exciting at the same time. Don’t worry—we promise you an amazing experience. You’ll be accompanied by people with plenty of experience, so you can take your time and follow their lead at first.

In addition to Friday afternoons, we occasionally organize other outreaches, especially when there’s a DTS (Discipleship Training School) outreach team. You’re more than welcome to join them too! By subscribing to our newsletter, you’ll stay updated on all our activities.

“Every friday afternoon, we head to the streets in the south of Rotterdam to meet people, talk about faith and offer prayer. Most people are open to it, and we often see God touching lives and even perform miracles.”

Feb 24th - Feb 27th

Would you like to share your faith with others but don’t know exactly how? Would you like to challenge yourself and share with strangers, but find it a bit daunting? In short: do you want to learn more about and grow in sharing what you believe? Then join us from February 24th to 27th for our training week about evangelism!

In the mornings, you’ll receive teaching alongside an international group of people from Youth With A Mission Heidebeek. In the afternoons, we’ll head out together and experience amazing adventures with God!

  • Location: Stadsklooster Dordrecht, Vriesestraat 117, Dordrecht
  • Dates: Monday, February 24th to Thursday, February 27th
  • Times: 9:00 – 17:00
  • Languages: Dutch/ English
  • Cost: FREE
  • Registration: Required due to limited space